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    VS2015 Unity工具

    2.0 官方最新版
    • VS2015 Unity工具2.0 官方最新版
    • 軟件大小:10.2M
    • 更新時間:2015-07-29 09:48
    • 軟件語言:中文
    • 軟件廠商:
    • 軟件類別:國產軟件 / 免費軟件 / 編程輔助
    • 軟件等級:4級
    • 應用平臺:WinAll, Win7, win8
    • 官方網站:http://www.pirinnaturalssoapandspa.com



    微軟近日發布了用于Unity引擎的Visual Studio工具2.0版的第二預覽版(Visual Studio Tools for Unity 2.0 Preview 2)。該版本為Unity提供了豐富的編程和調試體驗,開發者可以利用Unity游戲工具和平臺創造出更多“奇跡”。

    其重新命名為Visual Studio Unity工具集(VSTU),該插件支持從VS2010專業版往后所有的付費版Visual Studio 2015。

    VSTU簡化了使用Visual Studio開發Unity游戲的過程,這包括能夠直接通過Visual Studio對Unity代碼進行調試,并且通過與Unity控制臺的集成,Unity消息能夠直接輸出到VS集成開發環境(IDE),以方便開發者查看。

    該版本的主要改進體現在對于最新的Unity 5引擎支持,這個全新游戲引擎帶來了升級的動畫和物理效果系統,全新光影系統和聲音選項,未來也將讓手機游戲的畫質再度進化。

    Visual Studio 2015:

    In this section, you'll learn about Visual Studio Tools for Unity, a free Visual Studio extension that makes Visual Studio a powerful tool for building games with Unity.

    Visual Studio Tools for Unity

    Unity is a game engine and development environment for creating cross-platform games. The Unity engine runs on over a dozen platforms spanning from powerful PCs, to game consoles, to touch-enabled tablets and mobile phones—even to the web. The Unity editor provides a friendly interface for building rich game worlds. The capability, ease-of-use, and reach of Unity make it a popular choice among today's game developers.

    While the Unity editor is great for putting your game world together, you can't write your code in it. With Visual Studio Tools for Unity, you can use the familiar code editing, debugging and productivity features of Visual Studio to create editor and game scripts for your Unity project using C#, and you can debug them using Visual Studio's powerful debugging capabilities.

    But Visual Studio Tools for Unity is more than that; it also has deep integration with Unity editor so that you'll spend less time switching back and forth to do simple tasks, provides Unity-specific productivity enhancements, and puts the Unity documentation at your fingertips.

    Continue to Overview of Visual Studio Tools for Unity to learn more about what Visual Studio Tools for Unity offers, or to Getting Started with Visual Studio Tools for Unity to learn how to install Visual Studio Tools for Unity and start using it with your Unity project.

    Debug Unity from Visual Studio, at last.

    Put breakpoints, evaluate variables and complex expressions.

    Seamless integration.

    Use the Unity Project Explorer to find your script with the exact same hierarchy that Unity displays.

    Get the Unity console directly inside Visual Studio.

    Enhance your productivity.

    Use wizards to quickly create or navigate to scripts.


    VS2015 Unity工具 2.0 官方最新版




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